Market analysis and mapping services

  1. Market research and mapping
    • Research questions
    • Methodology and tools for market mapping
    • Market system mapping
  2. Understanding market dynamics is key to enable humanitarian actors to refine and shape their modalities for interventions, and understand where cash, in-kind and market-support responses are most appropriate.
  3. Understanding the capacity and constraints of market systems helps to not only to improve preparedness and emergency response, but also allows recommendations to mitigate the effects of the forecasted shock scenario by strengthening certain parts of the market systems in these areas.
  4. Direct / indirect responses. Do no harm!

Market Analysis: Why?

Every humanitarian intervention affects markets

Growing recognition that you shouldn’t implement humanitarian programming without looking at markets first

Reflected in numerous humanitarian assessment guidelines (mainly FSL focused but expanding to other sectors)

Market analysis helps you understand which interventions are appropriate in a given context

Our services will support the INGO’s and NGO’s to understand Market place & Market system

Market place:

Physical or virtual place where trade happens.

Market system:

network of market actors and influencing factors and services

Market analysis services will help to:
  1. Mapping the system;
  2. Identifying demand and supply issues;
  3. Understanding how affected people interact with and participate in the value chain;
  4. Understanding how revenues flow throughout the chain;
  5. Analysing blockages and constraints;
  6. Identifying where in the value chain to seek change and bring support.